5 Myths of CrossFit
"I'm scared!" We hear that a lot when people walk in our door before their first workout. Maybe it's because CrossFit has workouts of the day (WODs), such as death by burpies . . . but don't take the names literally, people! Here are the top five myths we've heard and the truth about each.
1. You have to be in shape to do CrossFit. Would you fix your car before you took it to the mechanic? CrossFit involves constant and varied movements so it is the single most efficient way TO get in shape. You decide your intensity level and the amount of effort for each workout. Every single workout is scalable to meet your personal fitness needs. We have already seen all different levels of fitness at ChalkDust CrossFit and the beauty is that everyone supports each other to finish a workout. It gives us CrossFit warm and fuzzy feelings.
2. I don't want to bulk up. This one comes down to science. Women simply don't have enough testosterone to "bulk up." Most people visualize a testosterone juicing woman from a body building competition when they think of a CrossFit athlete. This could not be farther from the truth. Body building is completely different from CrossFit. The fact of the matter is lifting heavy weights actually promotes lean body mass by changing adipose tissue (body fat) with the right kind of movements. If you still don't believe us, you will be happy to know that ChalkDust CrossFit has adopted three separate strength tracks. We won't make you lift heavy weights but we do believe in Olympic weight lifting and all the benefits it provides for fat burning. There is no downside to becoming the strongest healthiest version of you.
3. It's too expensive. Most CrossFit gyms around the country will run between $100-$200 a month. Keep in mind that ChalkDust CrossFit's founding membership is $89 a month. While that may sound expensive, the results you get will be worth every penny. You could go to a big corporate gym for less money, walking around the big, fancy machines without a plan or support from a certified trainer, and get zero results. And if you pay to add on one personal training session at these gyms, it will run upwards of $75 per session. Or, you could come to ChalkDust where your workouts are planned and you receive top-of-the-line coaching.
4. It's dangerous. CrossFit emphasizes technique and safety, yet the misconception that injuries are inevitable runs rampant. The Internet has not helped, as there are countless videos of people doing ridiculous things and hurting themselves. In reality, CrossFit isn't dangerous, people are. At ChalkDust, we bring an amazing knowledge base to functional fitness. We teach you how to move properly. That translates into everyday life. You can move that furniture without hurting your back because we've showed you the proper body mechanics. We often hear statements such as: "I have bad knees." or "I have a bad back." ChalkDust's workouts are designed to strengthen weak areas and to promote injury prevention, especially in our endurance athletes.
5. CrossFit is a cult. Hmm . . . CrossFit does have a unique language and people who CrossFit are obsessed, it is all they talk about. Some CrossFitters in this world believe that CrossFit is the only way. So it's easy to see why this misconception exists. At ChalkDust, we are a group of people determined to live a fit and healthy lifestyle and that's where it ends. We have people from all walks of life at ChalkDust - and we don't consider that a cult, but rather, a family.